
Working with Polly Ester on "Die Bayerischer Prinzessin" at Bayerischer Rundfunk

Radio is the medium where anything is possible in a narrative, regardless of budget. As an artist perpetually in need of budgets and seldom getting them, Ergo Phizmiz PLC turned to radioplays a long time ago as a means to let his imagination run wherever it wanted to. Since then he has become one of the world's leading producers of experimental radio drama, with broadcasts including BBC Radio 3, Bayerischer Rundfunk, WDR, WFMU, Resonance FM, Soundart Radio and Deutschlandradiokultur.

Selected works for radio
"Molotovia" (WFMU, 2002)
"Zip" (Resonance FM, 2001-2) 12 part series
"Sticky White Glue" (Resonance FM, 2003-4) 12 part series
"Phuj Phactory With Ergo Phizmiz" (WFMU, 2006-8) Weekly radioshow
"Paul Klee, a Balloon, the Moon, Music and Me" (BBC Radio 3, 2008) * Special Mention Prix Italia
"Pointballing" (BBC Radio 3, 2009-10)
"The Carnival in the Mirror Marches Into the Sea" (Deutschlandradiokultur, 2011)
"Disappearing Boxes" (Studio Akustische Kunst, WDR, 2011) * Horspiel Das Monats
"Boojum" (Studio Akustische Kunst, WDR, 2012)
"Upsidedownisms" (BBC Radio 3, 2012)
"Conversations With Birds" (Bayerischer Rundfunk, 2012)
"Hollywood: A Bestiary" (Bayerischer Rundfunk, 2014)
"Sonora Mystery" (Bayerischer Rundfunk, 2015)
"Die Bayerische Prinzessin" (Bayerischer Rundfunk, 2016)
"Animalium Kepler 22B" (Bayerischer Rundfunk, 2018)

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